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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Finding the right foundation is a never ending concern of most women. When looking for the right foundation, always put the product on before buying it. The shade of the foundation when tried on the hand will have a different effect when applied on the face. The right way is apply the product an inch up from your jaw line down to your neck. If the product blends well in this part of your face, then that’s the shade for you. If it’s too white and does not “disappear” on your skin, then get a few more shades close to your skin tone and line them up on the side of your face down to your neck and choose the right color of your skin. Of course, you want the color of your face to match the color of your neck.

Tips for choosing a foundation for your skin type:

If you have oily skin, then it is best to use a dual finish powder instead of liquid oil-based formulations. This way, every time you go to the powder room to retouch your face, you will find it easier to add the powder where the oil from your face has removed the product. If you have oily skin, the key is retouching, Oil removes make up so you will have to keep on removing the oil first by dabbing with an oil blotter or facial tissue before reapplying the powder. This way, it will be easier to maintain your makeup look all throughout day or night if the product accumulates on the certain areas such as on the side of your nose, simply blend it with your fingers and dab the oil before reapplying the powder foundation.

If you have dry skin, using liquid foundation is your best bet. Simply apply the foundation using your fingers on your entire face and make sure to blend it into the skin. Remember, you are creating a nice clean smooth base for your make up so blend the foundation well into your skin. Next step is to set the liquid foundation with loose powder, the loose powder will “hold” the liquid product on your face. After setting the liquid foundation with loose powder, then you are ready to complete your natural look by simply grooming your eyebrows. Curling your lashes before applying your mascara then applying your blush and finishing your look with a lip color.

The simpler and more natural you apply your make up, the better. You cannot go wrong with an understated look. Now, all you need is to practice. When you have perfected this natural look, then the rest will be a piece of cake. Why? Simply because any makeup look start with a clean, perfect base. So once you have perfected your foundation, then rest will follow. Start it simple and clean and then slowly add more color if you want to emphasize your eyes or lips. It will always take practice to perfect any look you want to create. Just remember that in any look, it will always start with a good foundation. So girls what are you waiting for? Go to the mall and find the right foundation for you. Happy Shopping!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

JUNO might be the dark horse in the OSCARS

I have just seen the movie Juno, and I am quite surprised that the film was nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Juno is not that kind of epic or grand. Juno is just a simple movie and short with a running time of less than two hours. It’s kinda fresh, intelligent comedy with an outstanding performance by its lead character Ellen Page (Who I heard was nominated for Best Actress)

Juno is a Mid-Western, who decides one day, out of boredom and curiosity, to have sex with her friend Paulie Bleeker ( Michael Cera of the movie Superbad ), a member of her school’s track team.

This one time encounter results in Juno’s pregnancy. She decided that instead of aborting the baby, with the help of her best friend Leah, looks for adaptive parents. Juno settles on seemingly the perfect, affluent couple Mark ( Jason Bateman) and Vanessa Loring ( Jennifer Garner) who is desperate to have a child.

Juno’s sensitive father ( J.K. Simmons who I didn’t recognized at first, but after awhile I remember that he Jamison Jonah of the Spiderman movies, he has no hair in this film) and stepmother are very supportive of her ad help Juno with her decision to give up the baby for adoption. Juno and her father check out Mark and Vanessa if they are the right couple. As time moves closer to having the baby, Juno grows more into a woman, yet she is still a stranger with all the same problems and few more.

As I am writing this, the Academy Award is on going. But this is my bet for Best Picture and Ellen Page for her acting which seems natural every time she appears on screen. The movie tackles current and social issues with teen pregnancy. Oh and one thing more, the acoustic songs being played in the film are worth hearing and being played over and over your CD or MP3 player, Go check it out if you haven’t seen it yet.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ear Wax Build up

While you may think it's gross, earwax (also known as cerumen) is actually quite important in keeping the ear clean and healthy. The ceruminous glands in the ears secrete it as a way of trapping dirt, dust, and other particles that could damage the eardrum were they to travel inside the ear. Normally, wax builds up, then dries out and moves to the outer ear, where it washes away. In the process, it traps foreign debris and brings it along for the ride. Sometimes earwax accumulates faster than the body can expel it, though, and that's when earwax buildup can become a problem.

Can earwax buildup interfere with my toddler's hearing?Absolutely. When a child's ear canal is plugged with wax, his hearing becomes muffled. (Fluid trapped in the middle ear can also cause hearing loss during or after an ear infection.) It can also cause an earache.

How can I tell whether my toddler's ear troubles are from earwax buildup or an ear infection?Sometimes it's hard to tell, since a child with earwax buildup may rub or tug at his ears, or dig in his ears with his fingers, just as if he had an ear infection. However, earwax buildup does not cause the fever and sleep troubles associated with ear infections. If there's a large amount of wax, you may be able to see it just by looking into your toddler's ears. There may also be some yellow or brownish drainage. (Drainage from an ear infection, on the other hand, could be clear, milky-like pus, or bloody.) If you're at all concerned, make an appointment with your child's doctor so she can take a closer look at things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anti-aging Tips for you

I just like to share to you of what I’ve read in the broadsheet lately. We always wanted to look and feel young to remain attractive and beautiful. Here are some basic facts how to prevent aging.

Exercise delays aging, especially the onset of osteoporosis and arthritis.

Staying out of the sun prevents wrinkles, so stay out of it if you don’t want to age fast.

Relaxation and meditation are stress busters and can prevent disease.

Do some crossword solving and regular reading can delay or prevent memory loss, so keep on reading my blog.

Persons who are active, outgoing and pressure driven individuals age faster than those who are calmer.

Don’t eat compulsively and obsessively to avoid diseases such as diabetes, obesity and heart attacks.

Eat lots of nuts. Nuts are rich in antioxidants. Or Go Fruity. Nutrient packed fruits give your body power.

Load up on spinach and strawberries. Their high levels of antioxidants can boost your brain.

And finally, Add more tomatoes to your meal. Lycopene in tomatoes strengthens your immune system and makes your skin glow. There was a saying that “ A tomato a day keeps the doctor away, a carrot a day keeps the wrinkle away .”

Saturday, February 16, 2008

THE SPIDERWICK emotional, exhillirating film

It’s been too long since I’ve updated my blog, It’s almost two months now, but nevertheless I’m back and from now on, I’ll keep you updated.

I’ve just seen the movie The Spiderwick Chronicles with my family yesterday and I am quite impressed about the movie. I had no idea what was the movie all bout cause I haven’t seen the trailer yet. All I know was its tie up with Mc Donalds, Their Happy Meal is about the toys from the movies, goblins, fairies and Ogre.

This movie belongs to the level of Harry Potter movies and The Chronicles of Narnia in terms of excitement and gratification. They also had a Griffin which reminds me of the one in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The film is visually stimulating with all the great visual effects they’ve done.

Tells about the Grace family ( Mom with three kids, twins Simon and Jared, daughter Mallory ) who just moved in to the old house of Arthur Spiderwick. Odd things began to happen. Jared discovers the book written by his great, great Uncle Arthur. That’s where the movies thrilling scenes comes one after the other. Battling out goblins and Ogre with no magical powers but just with their wits and a help from the book, The Grace family succeeds defeating the evil ones.

Moral lesson of this movie, Have more time with your kids and watch how wonderfully they grow. Arthur Spiderwick had been searching for magical creature; he didn’t realize that her daughter is the most magical creature around him. Almost made me cry, that scene towards the end of the film, where Arthur Spiderwick met his daughter 80 years later since he disappeared. It’s an emotional, touching part of the movie.

What are you waiting for, Head to the theaters and see it.