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Tuesday, July 29, 2008


You've heard it again and again that H2O at zero calories,is the best diet drink.

But if you're still hooked on high calories beverages, check out these numbers:

Researchers who tracked 240 over-weight women found that those who replaced sweetened drinks with water lost five more pounds, on average, than those who didn't.

Why these slips add up: A can of soft drink is 146 calories: a cup of grape juice, 154 calories.

So ladies what are we waiting for? let us all drink plenty of water and make it a habit for more sexier body. Cheers...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Green Enough Housekeeping

Are you a environmentally conscious person? If you are... This tips are just right for you.

I grew up in a green household. My mother cleaned with vinegar,baking soda, and lemon juice because it was practical, cheaper than other products and performs just as effectively. Plus, they don't give off nasty fumes, harm our body system, or add a lot of extra packaging to landfills.

Here are some of my favorites.

SALT For scrubbing gunk off wooden cutting boards, glass baking dishes, and pet bowls
Sprinkle a liberal amount on a damp sponge and wipe.

BAKING SODA for banishing stinky odors
Springkle a few tablespoon in the bottom of an empty gym bag and leave overnight: pour a liberal amount onto a trash can before putting in a new bag.

CORNSTARCH For absorbing oil and grease spills on clothing, upholstery, and leather
Pat on enough to cover stains (try to get them before they set); let it sit awhile, then remove with a toothbrush or vacuum.

LEMON JUICE For fading stains on unfinished wood, such as butcher block
Apply with a cotton swab, then air-dry.

CREAM OF TARTAR For removing rust from white porcelain fixtures
Mix 2 tablespoon of cream of tartar with a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to make a paste; apply to stain and let sit. After paste dries, rinse off.

3 PERCENT HYDROGEN PEROXIDE For killing mildew on bath tiles; sanitizing plastic cutting boards
Sponge over area; let dry,then rinse well.Mop up spills quickly (hydrogen peroxide can cause fading).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Strip Away Work Worries

Getting naked can start your night off right.

Wanna change your state of mind the second you come home from work? Get Naked! That’s right, take off every stitch of clothing, shake out your hair if it’s bun or ponytail, and spend at least five minutes lying flat on your bed (a soft, fuzzy comforter is a huge perk). “When you peel off your clothes after a workday, you’re symbolically stripping away responsibilities and stress,” says Diane Urso, a psychotherapist in New York City. When you get up again (that if you can get up again) you’re going to feel like a totally different person than the one who deals with deadlines and a pesky boss. Then slip into comfy clothes and enjoy the rest of your night.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Be more Ipod Aware

Listening to tunes in public can leave you vulnerable.

The coolest thing about ipod is that it allows you to tune out the world around you so you can peacefully chill in your own musical bubble. Problem is you may also end up tuned out to subtle signs of danger.

“Studies show that gadgets like this lower a person’s awareness and slow a person’s awareness and slow down their reaction time,” explains Lyn Bates, vice president of AWARE, a woman’s safety organization in the U.S. “So even though you think you’re paying enough attention, you’re actually much more likely to ignore a red light or not realize that a sketchy guy is following you.”

So guys let us all play it safe by keeping the volume low or by wearing only one ear bud.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Loose Weight When You Sleep More

Add one hour to your schedule, and you could drop up to 14 pounds this year.

New data from the University of Michigan shows that you'll likely eat six percent less if you replaced 60 minutes of awake time ( when you may snack) with an hour of shut-eye.

And a Harvard study that tracked around 68,000 women found that those who clocked only five or fewer hours of rest a night had a 32 percent greater chance of gaining more than 30 pounds over a 16 year period than those who got seven hours of sleep.

So try sleeping more and be the sexier you.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Remembering my Lola Anita

The reason why it took me so long to update my blog was due to my Grandmother's or Lola in tagalog recently passed away. She died at the age of 78.

It still hurt me till now because I wasn't able to show her how much I care for her and love her. How I wish I spent more time with her if I only knew that she will leave us so soon...

She's been a brave and strong lady, She's not showing us any signs that her health condition is already worst. Maybe because she didn't want her family to worry about her, that's why we are really shock when we learned about her untimely death.

So in her memory, I made this slide show for her and her bereaved family. I also wanna thank all the people who condoled with us. And if she's seeing this right now, I want her to know how important she is to me and her memory will lives forever in my heart.

inkamin lola...ay-ayatin ka.
(Farewell grandma... I love you so much)