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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Homemade Beauty Treats

Do you love going to Spa but can’t afford to go there as often as you want?

I have good tips for you... you can now enjoy that relaxing experience in spa at your home because I will give you four fabulous recipes that put pricey spa product to shame.


¼ cup mashed papaya

¼ cup mashed banana

¼ cup mashed ripe avocado

6 drops tea tree essential oil

6 drops lavender essential oil

2 vitamin E capsule

1 tbsp. whole milk

1 tsp. honey

Blend all ingredients together. Massage generous amount into hair and scalp and leave for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly to remove all residue.

Recipe’s rationale: The fruits in this mask all contain natural enzymes that help soften the hair and are packed with vitamins to nourish the scalp. Honey and milk help moisturize and soothe stressed scalp and tea tree deodorizes.


1/8 of a small apple

3 strawberries

2 ½ tbsp of plain yogurt

½ tsp. honey

½ tsp. extra virgin olive oil

Combine the ingredients in blender for about 30 seconds. Store the cleanser in an airtight container in the refrigerator, and it will last you four days.

To use, scoop out a tablespoon of cleanser and massage onto dry skin, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.

Recipe’s rationale:

Apples and strawberries are natural astringents and are packed with vitamin C which dissolves facial grease and dirt. The enzymes from the yogurt help restore the skin’s proper pH balance, and honey is a natural humectant, absorbing moisture into the skin.


2cups warm distilled water (below 40 degrees Celsius)

2 vitamin E capsules

2 tbsp. fresh mint leaves

Juice from ½ of lemon or four pieces calamansi

6 drops tea tree oil

½ tsp. olive oil

½ tsp. olive oil (or your favorite massage oil)

Combine all ingredients and blend for about 30 seconds. Soak tired, overworked feet and hands for 15 minute and rinse with warm water. Condition your skin by massaging with a few drops of scented oil.

Recipe’s rationale:

Lemon and tea tree are natural antiseptics that help eliminate germs and deodorize. Lemon’s acidic nature helps soften dead skin cells so this soak is perfect to use before a manicure or pedicure. Fresh mint leaves freshen up the skin and will take away weariness, while the oils condition the skin, locking in absorbed moisture.


¼ cup apple cider vinegar

1 cup beer

20 drops of tea tree oil

20 drops of chamomile oil

20 drops lavender oil

¼ cup juice from soaked “gugo” (or aloe Vera)

½ tbsp. jojoba oil

Combine ingredients. After shampooing and rinsing, pour the rinse over wet hair and massage. Rinse out with plenty of warm water.

Recipe’s rationale: This helps relax frizz and improve shine. Vinegar strips away chemical build up from hair products. It doesn’t smell good so essential oils are a must.

I suggest you do this during weekends, so that you get to enjoy the fresh products beneficial properties and relaxing scents for a long period of time... One more thing; while you’re playing chemist in the kitchen, take note not to heat the ingredients to higher than 40 degrees Celsius as not denature the vitamins.

So have fun!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


* Don't smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

* Don't eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.

* Don't drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

* Don't loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

* Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

* Don't walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

* Don't sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Power Potato

Potato, potahto, No matter how you say it, everyone agrees that it's both healthy and delicious. It's rich in mineral, and vitamins B and C. Plus, 'tatoes are good source of fiber, low in sodium and recommended for those who have high blood pressure or suffer from kidney stones. Another plus is that potatoes are an energizing and sufficient source of carbohydrates perfect for the weight-conscious. If you can skip the sour cream and butter over your baked potato and eat the proper food on the side, then you'll be on your way to a leaner, healthier bod.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Create your own Charisma

Envy someone who has a “X” factor, and wish you had the same impact on people, the same magnetic appeal? Well I have good news for you... Charisma can be created here's how:

1. Create a signature look. Develop a personal style with which you are comfortable and that makes the appropriate statement about you and the image you want to project.
2. Be the boss of your body. When you enter a room,walk in like you own the joint. Hold your head high and keep your back straight. Send a message that you can handle anything.
3. Create a special connection. Eye contact is probably the most important ingredient in creating a special connection with people. Master this skill and you will begin to enjoy the magic of charisma.
4. Don't put yourself down. When you make a self-deprecating comment, it drains your power. Your listeners focus on the negative aspects. And forget the rest. Focus on your strengths and highlight your accomplishments instead.
5. Learn to to take compliments graciously. When someone compliments you and you deflect it, you are undermining yourself and the other person they don't know what they're talking about. So next time someone says something nice, smile and say thank you. Enjoy the gift.
6. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Focus on people's good qualities. When you make denigrating comments about another person, you are the one who winds up looking small and petty.
7. Never “wing it”. Prepare and do your homework every time you make a presentation,network, or attend a business event. By taking time to properly prepare, You can ease your nerves. Your confidence level will be high and you will be poised and in control.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

12 signs of stress addiction

How can you tell if you're genuinely pressured or are hooked on overload? I also have no idea until I've read this 12 signs on a magazine this morning and thank God because I am not that stressed out (so far...) So, how about you? read them and laugh...then reread them and see how many actually apply to you.
  1. You get anxious if beach vacations last any longer than two days.
  2. You get nervous when you don't receive any messages on you cell phone.
  3. During family movie night, you curl up on the couch with junk mail to sort through.
  4. Scrap booking parties? You take your photo albums much too seriously to consider compiling them at a social event.
  5. You can't remember the last time you didn't eat breakfast in the car.
  6. Or lunch. Or dinner.
  7. Your kids know how to cram their entire day into a five-second sentence: "School was good I got a perfect score on my math quiz Sam called me the soccer game is on Sunday."
  8. During sex, you never fantasize about other men- you're too busy mentally reorganizing the pantry.
  9. You consider going over your calendar at night a relaxing read.
  10. If you don't write "feed dog" in your appointment book, it doesn't happen.
  11. Your husband got you an Ipod for Christmas, but it's still in the box because you haven't had time to download songs onto it.
  12. Your philosophy is: Why just walk and chew gum when you can also make doctor's appointment on your cell and do biceps and curls with arm weights?
If you realized that you are a certified stress addict, you have all the reason now to try my stress free tips found below this post.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Peace out

Taking time to meditate gives you a chance to slow down, calm your thoughts, and tune out the stresses of the day. Even if you have only 15 minutes, find a relaxing place to settle down and concentrate on nothing but taking deep, even breaths, Where to go? Try…

Turning your bedroom into a sanctuary

According to the Chinese practice of feng shui, you can make your room more relaxing by hanging a blue tapestry, or painting a wall blue (the color will calm you). Next, straighten up your room to promote a peaceful mind. Then light a candle and breathe…

Finding an outdoor haven

Nature will help you find harmony: Bring a towel and a bottle of water to a secluded grassy area- green encourages health – where you can sit peacefully and without interruption.

Walking your way to tranquility

Pop a soothing Music into your Ipod. While you walk, swing your arms in the opposite direction of your feet (right foot, left arm/left foot, right arm) to balance your body, and breathe evenly with each step.

I hope these tips could help all stressed people out there... Happy meditating!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Love make ups? That’s cool, but do avoid these beauty traps…

Clownish concealer

The best concealer shade is one step lighter than your skin tone, or the same shade as your skin. If you go too light, you’ll end up with funny white circles under you eyes (most obvious in photos). Don’t forget to blend, blend, and blend!

Streaky blush

Avoid applying orange blush from cheek to jaw; it’s great for fashion shows but looks dated for everyday wear. Opt for sandy pink blush (this shade goes well with most skin tones) and dab onto the apples of your cheeks-nowhere else.

Too much sparkle

Go easy on the shimmer-choose only a few “strategic” places to apply it, such as on the brow bone, tops of cheekbones, lips and shoulders.( like JLo in this picture I think she had too much shimmer in her face.)

Severe eyeliner

Dark eyeliner over and under eyes

(think Gwyneth Paltrow’s character in the Royal Tenenbaums) appears way harsh. Switch to using a brown or taupe pencil or shadow for a softer effect.

Standout lip liner

Unless you’re doing it on purpose (say for a school play), always match lip liner to your lip color. Fill in the lips, and then blend with a brush.

Anorexic arches

Easy on the tweezers! Over-plucked eyebrows can make you look cranky even when you’re having a good day. What’s more, sparse brows can make you look more mature.

So that’s it… I hope these tips could help all the girls out there who are just starting to put make up. Good luck and I promise to give you more beauty tips next time.