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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Facts about Yoghurt

Yoghurt has been used for centuries to promote a healthy digestive system.
It is known that in regions where people eat yoghurt on a regular basis the people live longer as an average.

It is also proven that Yoghurt has a beneficial influence on the intestines which are the seat of our immune system. It also helps the digestion and protects the intestines also from cancer. All the absorption of nutrients, which have to be separated from the toxic substances, takes place in the intestines. If they are not working correctly the body absorbs the wrong "stuff" and eliminates the good. The base for a good function of the intestine is the intestinal flora.

Here is where yoghurt has its function. The probiotics in the yoghurt help the good flora to grow and keeps the bad in its place. This balance can also be destroyed by unhealthy food (too much sugar for example) or after the use of oral antibiotics which destroy the intestinal flora. Here the right use of yoghurts can do a whole lot of good. Unfortunately a lot of probiotic yoghurts are not very efficient because the probiotics are very fragile and get lost on their way through the stomach to the intestine.
Here lies the importance of the prebiotics which protect the probiotics so that they reach the intestine. A Good high quality yoghurt has to have a great number of both pre-and probiotics

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