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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Smoking Burns You Down Below

You know cigarettes damage your lungs and your looks. Discover how they mess with your reproductive system.

Cervical cancer. Research shows that smokers infected with human papillomavirus have a greater risk of developing invasive cervical cancer than nonsmokers with the virus. The chemicals in cigarettes may weaken the ability of cervical cells to fight off the infection, explains Carolyn D. Runowicz, a gynecologic oncologist and member of American Cancer Society’s national board of directors.

Fertility issues. Studies indicate that smoking can make it harder to conceive. Chemicals in cigarettes may alter cervical mucus, making it toxic to sperm. What’s more, women who smoke cigarettes are at two to four times higher risk of ectopic pregnancy (when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus).

Period problems. Lighting up may mess with hormone levels, causing irregular menstrual cycles. And smokers appear more likely to experience killer cramps, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

For those couples out there who are smokers and really having a hard time to have a baby you may want to consider this advice… stop smoking and live a healthy lifestyle.

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